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Formatter is the opposite of parser: it validates and encodes JavaScript data back to the CSV string with the given schema. If validation has failed, the error will be thrown.


Parsing CSV to JavaScript data is many-to-one relationship: both 0 and 'false' will be parsed to false using asBoolean's decoder. But formatting is one-one: false boolean will always be formatted to 'false' in CSV. So formatter's CSV output might not be exactly the same with parser's CSV input, even though it is equal when parsed back to be JavaScript data.


formatToCsv() format the array of data back to be the CSV string using encoder defined in the given schema.

import { formatToCsv } from 'sheethuahua';

const schema = Object({
	id: Column('ID', asNumber()),
	name: Column('Name', asString()),

const data = [
	{ id: 1, name: 'a' },
	{ id: 2, name: 'b' },

const output = formatToCsv(data, schema);

The output variable value will be:


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